Nintendo will be broadcasting a new stream for Super Smash Bros. this Sunday, at 7.40am PT/9.40am CT/10.40am ET. The new broadcast will feature series director Masahiro Sakurai discussing new content due for the fighter after this Sunday.
The timing is especially co-incidental- this Sunday is when the Lucas DLC and Miiverse stage debut for Super Smash Bros. As of right now, they both mark the end of announced post release content for the title, but Nintendo has expressed a desire to continue expanding the new Smash Bros. game with DLC and updates in the future, even going so far as to set up a Smash ballot. Moreover, datamines from the 3DS version have managed to unearth evidence which suggests that Fire Emblem’s Roy (who first featured in Smash Bros. back in Melee on Gamecube), and Street Fighter’s Ryu, will both be headed to the title at some point in the future. This stream may be where both of those announcements are made.
Whatever the new announcements are, we will keep you posted. Stay tuned. Super Smash Bros. is currently available on Nintendo 3DS and Wii U.