Until the Nintendo Direct that is rumored to be taking place this month actually happens, we are totally in the dark about exactly what we can expect from Nintendo on the Switch this year. We know that Kirby and Yoshi games are on the way, as well as Fire Emblem (though we haven’t seen anything of this one). We also know Octopath and Bayonetta 1+2 are due out on Switch this year. But other than that, nothing.
Hugely anticipated Switch games like Metroid Prime 4, Pokemon, or Bayonetta 3? We don’t know when those will be out. However, if Nintendo’s Norwegian site is to be believed, then it sounds like Metroid and Bayonetta, at least, will be out this year.
The website states that, “The year 2017 has definitely been Nintendo’s year and we are looking forward to 2018, which will include new games like Bayonetta 3, Metroid Prime 4 and Kirby: Star Allies as well as many other games that we will reveal during the year.”
Of course, it is entirely possible that they just listed every major upcoming Switch game with a 2018 release date- Nintendo’s Norwegian outfit is outsourced to a local distributor, and what, really, are the odds of them being privy to this information? But just in case they are right, then it seems like Switch’s 2018 will be every bit as fantastic as its 2017 was.
The Swedish version of roughly the same text says ”we already know that Bayonetta 3, Metroid Prime 4 and a new Pokémon game are under development for the Switch”. pic.twitter.com/Q8jM2VgEqU
— Niklas Sintorn (@niklassintorn) January 5, 2018