Christmas may have passed but Overwatch players can still indulge in the festive spirit. The game’s Winter Wonderland event is still live and Blizzard Entertainment has dispensed five free Winter loot boxes to everyone. You can claim these loot boxes by simply logging in by January 2nd 2020.
Though the 2019 Winter Wonderland event didn’t offer much by way of new modes, it does offer some new cosmetics like Rat King Reaper, Rime Sigma and Jotunn Doomfist. There are also new sprays, voice lines and emotes to earn. Just don’t be surprised if you ultimately end up with duplicates and/or past event cosmetics instead.
Recently, Overwatch director Jeff Kaplan hosted the annual Yule Log, sitting in front of a fireplace and streaming it to the world. This time around, he teased the Junker Queen, the leader of Junkertown, as a potential new Tank or Damage hero. Time will tell when she arrives especially with the developer busy working on Overwatch 2. Stay tuned for more details in the meantime.