
The Music We Love – Download The Portal 2 Theme Song & Duke Nukem Forever Remix

The Music We Love – Download The Portal 2 Theme Song & Duke Nukem Forever Remix

We have all come to love certain songs in video games most notably the original Portal song by Jonathan Coulton call 'Still Alive'.  Now you can download his new song in Portal 2 during the ending ... Read More

Last Minute Gears of War 3 Beta Codes!

Last Minute Gears of War 3 Beta Codes!

The Gears of War 3 Beta ends on March 16th, here is your last chance to get in on the beta if you have not already.  Of course if you really can't just per-order the game for a measly 5 bucks, he... Read More

Crush 3D for 3DS announced

Crush 3D for 3DS announced

[HTML1] SEGA have announced that a redesigned version of CRUSH will be released for Nintendo 3DS. The game, titled CRUSH 3D, will allow players to change perspectives between 2D to 3D as they so... Read More

Amazon lists potential Rayman: Origins release date

Amazon lists potential Rayman: Origins release date

Although Ubisoft hasn’t provided an official release date for Rayman: Origins, it hasn’t stopped Amazon from putting up a placeholder date of November 15 for North America. Ubisoft projec... Read More

Dark Souls, Ace Combat release dates confirmed

Dark Souls, Ace Combat release dates confirmed

Namco Bandai have announced a rough release window for hard as nails RPG follow-up, Dark Souls, which will be arriving in early October 2011. The publisher also announced that Ace Combat instal... Read More

Fallout: New Vegas Honest Hearts DLC trailer

Fallout: New Vegas Honest Hearts DLC trailer

[HTML1] Those excited for some more Fallout action may want to get in the mood for the upcoming Honest Hearts DLC by checking out the above trailer. The official blurb reads: "Honest Hearts take... Read More

First 3DS eShop content detailed?

First 3DS eShop content detailed?

Details of the debut 3DS firmware update and eShop content have landed for everyone's enjoyment and speculation. Set to arrive later this month, the eShop will house Virtual Console, DSiWare and... Read More

L.A. Noire launch trailer arrives

L.A. Noire launch trailer arrives

[HTML1] Rockstar have just dropped the launch trailer for upcoming open-world crime thriller L.A. Noire. If you're at all excited about the game's release (which you bloody well should be) then you... Read More

The Playstation Network and Issues of Trust

The Playstation Network and Issues of Trust

Without wishing to fall back on stereotypes, gamers are usually a very loyal demographic. Each and every year the biggest franchises in gaming get new instalments, and hungry fans line up eagerly to ... Read More

Street Fighter X Tekken Out Before April 2012?

Street Fighter X Tekken Out Before April 2012?

According to CVG, Capcom have released a document which includes the financial prediction of Street Fighter X Tekken shifting 2 million units in the fiscal year 2011, which ends on March 31, 2012. T... Read More

Disgaea Coming To Android And It Will Be Free!

Disgaea Coming To Android And It Will Be Free!

And no, it's not a port: It's a standalone app based on the franchise's 'Item World' which randomly generates a new map to fight in. Disgaea For Android, as it's known, will be released May 16th for... Read More

New Dark Souls Trailer

New Dark Souls Trailer

[HTML1] Check out the new trailer for Dark Souls, the sequel to Demon's Souls; a game which reduced grown men to tears. The clip almost acts as a catalogue of potential deaths, the game taunting it... Read More

Hitman Absolution gets teaser trailer

Hitman Absolution gets teaser trailer

[HTML1] Square Enix has revealed the fifth game in the Hitman series via a teaser video. According to the blurb on its YouTube page: "Hitman Absolution follows Agent 47, a cold blooded assassin... Read More

The Witcher 2 living world and environment videos

The Witcher 2 living world and environment videos

[HTML1] Upcoming PC RPG The Witcher 2 gets two new videos that show off the game's living worlds and environments. The two trailers look pretty fine so check them out above and below. [HTML2]... Read More

10 Massive Explosions from the HD Generation

10 Massive Explosions from the HD Generation

The HD generation of gaming has brought many things into focus. Our worlds are more detailed, our character models crisper and our animations smoother than ever. But honestly, why bother if things don... Read More

Microsoft buys Skype

Microsoft buys Skype

Microsoft have wrapped up a deal to acquire internet phone service Skype, reportedly costing $8.5 billion (£5b). The terms of the acquisition have come as a shock to analysts, who feel the dea... Read More

New Alan Wake won’t be a direct sequel or DLC

New Alan Wake won’t be a direct sequel or DLC

Following a CV entry that recently confirmed the existence of an Alan Wake sequel Oskari Hakkinen, head of franchise development at Remedy, has confirmed there is more Alan Wake coming soon, but m... Read More

Crysis 2 ‘Retaliation’ map pack set for next week

Crysis 2 ‘Retaliation’ map pack set for next week

[HTML1] Crytek will release the debut Crysis 2 map pack for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC next week. The 'Retaliation' DLC will feature four new multiplayer maps - Park Avenue, Transit, Shipyard, and Com... Read More

Duke Nukem lookalike promoting exclusive preorder bonuses at GAME, Oxford Street

Duke Nukem lookalike promoting exclusive preorder bonuses at GAME, Oxford Street

Tomorrow will see GAME's Oxford Street store graced by the presence of a Duke Nukem lookalike. The immortal character will be giving away free t-shirts, magazine and badges, as well as completing... Read More

Video Games Declared Art In US

Video Games Declared Art In US

Video Games are now recognized by the NEA (National Endowment for the Arts), which works with the US government, as a legitimate art form under its new grant application guidelines. The NEA esse... Read More