We’ve often heard how some independent developers are signing up with Sony due to their “developer-oriented” approach. Others may simply be fed up of Microsoft’s strictness. However, Minority Media co-founder Vander Caballero, who’s studio developed Papa & Yo for the PS3 says that often, its the only way to get exposure.
Speaking to Kotaku, he stated that, “If you are an independent you have zero marketing money. You have nothing. Then you need someone to support your project. So, if someone asks you for exclusivity and it’s going to help you to bring out your product into the market, I think that can be good. Sometime, I think it’s the only way to get something out.”
Apparently Papa & Yo “cost $1.5 million to make and we’ve already made a part of our investment back.” The studio is currently going to release the game on Steam in hopes of recouping more of its costs.
“It’s a great opportunity for us because Sony really helped us to push the game out and make people know about it, and then they really helped us in the development, too. It was an amazing relationship.”
Minority Media’s next title will be coming out for the Android-based OUYA console.