Richard Marks, who has been with Sony since 1999, working at PlayStation Magic Labs, has created a lot of Sony’s more experimental hardware for them over the years. He created the EyeToy and the PlayStation Eye camera, he created PlayStation Move, and most recently, he created PlayStation VR.
And now, he seems to have moved on from Sony and PlayStation. GamesBeat reports that Marks has been hired by Google. Now, the interesting thing is, Google has been a major player in the burgeoning VR market- but this hiring may not necessarily have to do with that. Some time ago, we reported that Google is looking to get into the gaming market with their own platform- and it might be possible that Google brought Marks on board to help them launch this new initiative.
Google themselves have acknowledged the hiring, though they carefully avoid mentioning gaming anywhere in their statement- whether this is because he actually has come on board to help them with non-gaming initiatives, or because they want to keep their gaming aspirations mum for now, is anyone’s guess.
Google said, “ATAP is at the intersection of science and application where our goal is to solve significant problems and close the gap between what if and what is. We’re super excited about Richard joining the senior team and look forward to his contributions.”
One thing is clear, Google’s gaming aspirations will definitely be an interesting thing to keep an eye on in the coming months and years.