Recent rumours claimed that a Pokemon Presents stream was headed our way soon, and that’s now been officially confirmed. The Pokemon Company has announced that it will be streaming a new Pokemon Presents showcase next week, on August 8, at 6 AM PT. The presentation will be roughly 35 minutes long and will feature new “Pokemon news and updates”.
What exactly that will entail obviously hasn’t been detailed yet, but it seems safe to assume that we’ll be learning more about Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s two-part expansion, The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero, which will see the launch of its first part, The Teal Mask, this Fall, followed by the second part, The Indigo Disk, this Winter.
It’s also likely that we’ll be learning more about Detective Pikachu Returns, which is set to launch for the Nintendo Switch this October. Whether any major new upcoming titles will be announced remains to be seen, but given that post-launch support for Scarlet and Violet hasn’t even kicked off yet (much less wrapped up), it seems improbable.