Many developers have come out and spoken of the things that will be made possible with the PS5’s technology, which is something that Sony’s Mark Cerny, lead architect on the console, revealed not too long ago. From its inclusion of an SSD, which Sony says will make loading screens a thing of the past, to even something more basic like enabling backward compatibility with PS4 titles, there’s plenty about the new system that has got a lot of people very excited.
Recently, we spoke with Okomotive, developers of the exploration adventure title FAR: Lone Sails, which launched on PC last year and recently came out on the PS4 and the Xbox One last month. Speaking about the PS5 and its technology, Okomotive founders Don Schmocker (Creative Lead of FAR: Lone Sails) and Goran Saric (Tech Lead) spoke of one particular aspect that had been confirmed in its initial specs reveal– its Zen 2 processor.
“It will definitely bring console performances closer to PC / desktop settings,” they said, “which means less optimizations for ports.”
However, like many of us, while they think the PS5’s specs – the ones that have been revealed so far – look “amazing”, they do wonder what the price point will end up being as a result. Around the time of the system’s soft reveal, Mark Cerny had said the price would be “appealing to gamers in light of its advanced feature set”– whatever that ends up meaning is anyone’s best guess.
It’ll still be a while yet before we find out. The PS5 won’t be out in the next twelve months, by Sony’s own admission, but we can still expect a late 2020 launch, as per other reports.
FAR: Lone Sails, meanwhile, is currently available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Our full interview with its developers will be going live soon, so stay tuned.