It was a big information dump for Sony’s PS5 today. Embargoes are starting to lift now and a lot of outlets are sharing their thoughts as well as the features we may or may not have known. For instance, the PS5 will keep a pretty detailed time play log of the games you play, we know the trophy situation is about the same as the PS4 and game downloads are said to be a step up from its predecessor. We also know a bit about the online, too, with a new system that’s all about them good vibes.
As revealed by Gamespot, Sony has a new little subsystem in their online called Accolades. These are awards that can be given to players you meet online in three categories: Helpful, Welcoming, and Good Sport. Helpful will be for those that were effective and team-oriented, Welcoming is for those who were friendly and Good Sport is for those who are shown to be honorable and respectful. These Accolades will be displayed on your profiles. Sony even explicitly says this is to “help encourage our best members and recognize positive influences.” Which, you know, that’s nice. I think most know that online gaming is filled mostly with human sewage so good on Sony for trying to bring some positivity.
The PS5 will launch on November 12th in some regions with a full worldwide release on the 19th.