Quantum Break is now out, and while people will argue about whether or not it lived up to its immense hype, there is little doubt that the game is regardless, one that deserves to be played through. It is certainly an experience different from anything else on the market, and though it fails to stick the landing in a lot of the new things that it tries, it is a great title that deserves to be played through at least once.
Ironically, though, for a game that is as about the infinite potential of time, Quantum Break is actually fairly linear, and easy to max out- the game does have some choices, but those make very minor differences to the overall story, and on the whole, it plays like a linear shooter that doesn’t go out of its way much to encourage players to go off the beaten track.
If you got Quantum Break, you should be able to max it out yourself without much help- but if you do decide you want help, this guide (as well as our other guides for Quantum Break) should help you. In this guide, we cover the various hidden secrets and collectibles in the game- as well as a guide for all the Achievements in the title.
Rather than splitting up this guide on the basis of each individual kind of collectible, and its location through the game, these videos below will help you get all collectibles per act- this should be a far easier, more organized way to track everything down.
Act 1
Act 2:
Act 3:
Act 4:
Act 5:
Everybody Gather Around (30G)
Kill 3 Enemies With A Single Time Blast
Focus. Aim. Pull. (30G)
Get 10 head shots while using Dodge Focus.
One Foot In Front of Another (30G)
Time Rush for a total of 100 meters.
Personal Space (20G)
Deflect 200 Bullets With The Time Shield
Frozen Lead (30G)
Use Time Stop to stack a total of 1000 bullets
Break All Their Toys (20G)
Destroy 15 enemy chronon harnesses
Area Effect (15G)
Kill 15 enemies with environmental explosions
Spreading Ripples (10G)
Watch a show episode with all of the Quantum Ripples unlocked
Chronon Surge (15G)
Upgrade a time power
Maximum Effort (20G)
Fully upgrade all your time powers
Stop and Go (20G)
Fully upgrade Time Stop or Time Dodge
A Link to the Future (20G)
Locate one Quantum Ripple and one Intel Item
Knowledge Is Power (20G)
Locate all of the Intel Items (refer collectibles guide above)
Time Master (30G)
Complete all of Quantum Break
Daylight Saving Time (30G)
Time Stop five minutes worth of accumulated time
Tossing Stones In A Pond (20G)
You need to trigger all Quantum Ripples (refer collectibles guide above)
Media Baron (20G)
You need to find all Emails, presentations, TV Shows, Radios And Posters (refer collectibles guide above)
Time Bandit (25G)
You need to complete the game on Easy Difficulty (refer our walkthrough here)
Time Cop (40G)
You need to complete the game on Normal Difficulty (refer our walkthrough here)
Hold on To Your Hope And Burn (30G)
Complete Act 1 of Quantum Break (refer our walkthrough here)
Not A Friendly Invitation (30G)
Complete Act 2 of Quantum Break (refer our walkthrough here)
You’re Coming With Us (30G)
Complete Act 3 of Quantum Break (refer our walkthrough here)
Then We’ll Die Finding Out (30G)
Complete Act 4 of Quantum Break (refer our walkthrough here)
Your Exceptional Qualities Are Obvious (30G)
Complete Act 5 of Quantum Break (refer our walkthrough here)
Mysterious Stranger (20G)
You met Beth Wilder, who could’ve shot you… but didn’t (refer our walkthrough here)
Take That Trip (20G)
You entered the time machine (refer our walkthrough here)
The Countermeasure (20G)
You finally got your hands on Will’s Countermeasure (refer our walkthrough here)
A Fracture In Time (20G)
You were there when time broke (refer our walkthrough here)
A William Joyce Original (20G)
You found Will’s original time machine (refer our walkthrough here)
Something Fashionable (20G)
You got the chronon harness for Beth (refer our walkthrough here)
Distant Mirror (20G)
Beth told you about how she met herself (refer our walkthrough here)
Last Second Rescue (20G)
You managed to get to Will in time… on the second try (refer our walkthrough here)
Iron Fist (20G)
Paul chose the Hardline path for Monarch Solutions (refer our walkthrough here)
The Soft Touch (20G)
Paul chose the PR path for Monarch Solutions (refer our walkthrough here)
You And Me (20G)
Paul chose to concentrate on his personal connection with Jack (refer our walkthrough here)
Bigger Fish To Fry (20G)
Paul focused his energies on Monarch Solutions and his plan (refer our walkthrough here)
The Right Hand Man (20G)
Paul decided to trust Martin Hatch (refer our walkthrough here)
The Doctor (20G)
Paul decided to have faith in Dr. Sofia Amaral (refer our walkthrough here)
Rational Thought (20G)
Despite the pain and turmoil within, Paul remained rational and in control of his faculties (refer our walkthrough here)
Paranoia (20G)
Paul chose to give in to his rage and paranoia (refer our walkthrough here)
Marketing Spiel (25G)
You let Paul do his thing (refer our walkthrough here)