Leading up to its October 27 launch, Sega has announced games numbered from 23 to 33 that will be part of the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Mini 2. Games 1 through 11, as well as 12 through 23 were announced back in June.
Once again, games part of the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Mini 2 have been divided into cartridge games and Sega/Mega CD games. Sega has also released a video to go alongside the announcement.
Cartridge games:
- Aah! Harimanada
- Alien Soldier
- Fatal Fury 2
- Gyuwanburaa Jikochuushin Ha Katayama Masayuki no Majong Dojo
- Spatter
- Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers
- Tatsujin
Sega/Mega CD games:
- Final Fight CD
- Lunar: Eternal Blue
- Lunar: The Silver Star
- Wondermega Collection
The Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Mini 2 is set to feature 50 games at launch. Its October 27 launch day for North America was announced earlier this week. Sold exclusively through Amazon in the region, the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Mini 2 is priced at $103.
Sega has previously also announced a full Tower Mini 2 add-on for the upcoming mini console. The Tower Mini 2 includes a mini-disc for Sonic CD, a mini cartridge for Virtua Racing, and spacers to mount the original Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Mini and 32X Mini.