Full blown reboots seem to be the order of the day for many franchises as of late, but the announcement of DmC back in 2010 caused a fair bit of controversy. Devil May Cry fans were displeased with some of the drastic changes made to the series, with the new Dante’s appearance in particular drawing criticism. It’s been a while since then, and with every new appearance of DmC it manages to endear itself to us little by little. Admittedly it’s doing this by merely bringing back features we loved in the previous Devil May Cry games, but there’s plenty of new and innovative additions and alterations to get excited about as well. Here’s six of the upcoming changes that could really breath new life into the series.
A New Dante
Yeah, I know. Dante’s new emo styling isn’t exactly what we’d expect from the son of Sparda. Take into account though, that this is a complete reboot of the series; a parallel universe, if you will. If you think of it like that, this isn’t really the same Dante changed for the worse, but a different character with the same name. The style is a subjective matter indeed, but some of Dante’s new lore elements should make for interesting gameplay scenarios. Though still the son of Sparda, Dante is supposedly now half angel and half demon, two modes that he can switch to in the heat of combat to unlock new abilities. Variety is indeed the spice of life.
A Different Developer
Moving away from the Capcom lead development of the original Devil May Cry games, DmC will be made by Ninja Theory. Having previously worked on the awesome Heavenly Sword and Enslaved, Ninja Theory are taking the reigns on DmC. Whilst it’s likely plenty of you conservative types are resisting the change, this could well be a good move for the series. Fresh development talent always leads to an innovative reboot, and we all know that Ninja Theory are a good developer. The glass should definitely be viewed as half full in this regard.
An Alternate Universe
Though it may share certain elements of lore with the Devil May Cry universe we know and love, the world of DmC seem very different indeed. Set in the city of Limbo, a dystopian state where the people are controlled by demons, Dante fights against the all seeing eye of the establishment. He winds up fighting alongside an equally rebellious order lead by Vergil, his long lost brother. Familiar yet different, wouldn’t you say?