In light of the recent leaked build of an in-development version of Skate, studio Full Circle has released a statement on its official website. In the statement, the studio makes it clear that the leaked build is from September 2021, and was never intended for external use.
“While we understand you’re excited to get into the game, we encourage you to be careful when downloading files from unknown sources (and remind you of the potential consequences of breaking EA’s Terms of Service),” said the studio in the statement.
Full Circle has also mentioned that it has felt humbled by the community’s response to the Still Working On It video for Skate that had been released back in June. While quite rough and clearly in need of more development, the video showed off some sleek gameplay, and the animations on some of the tricks were pretty much on-point.
Videos of the leaked build were originally available on a shared Google Drive, but have since been taken down. The videos showed off on-foot gameplay, as well as some tricks. The uploader noted that, while quite rough and in need of a lot of work, a lot of the animations were “pristine”.
Skate doesn’t yet have a solid release date, but it does have an ongoing playtest with rolling invitations being sent out to those who register. Skate will be released on PC. Console releases haven’t been spoken about by the studio yet.