The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has now been out in the market for six years now. It first launches back in 2011 and took the world by storm, and since then, it has showed no signs of slowing down. With the recent release of the Remastered Edition, Skyrim has become quite relevant once again. It’s sales are steady, people are still playing it, people are still talking about it, and Bethesda have made the smart decision of capitalizing on this success before they move on to something new and fresh for the series. A PSVR version of the game is also due, but it is the Switch version of the game that we’re going to be talking about today.
Skyrim on the Switch sounds like a dream come true, and chances are, even if you’ve spent hundreds of hours playing the game already, you’re still going to want to play it on the Switch. Being able to to play Bethesda’s massive open world RPG on the go sounds almost too good to be true, but that is exactly what’s going to happen soon enough. To gear up for the looming launch, in this feature, we’re going to take a look at twelve things that you should know about Skyrim for the Nintendo Switch.
Skyrim is going to take full advantage of the unique capabilities of the Switch hardware, and one of the ways it is going to do that is by incorporating Joycon support. While playing Skyrim on the Switch, players will obviously be able to detach the Joycons from the screen, which is something that can be done with all other Switch games as well. What makes Skyrim unique in that regard is that the game will feature motion controls via the two Joycons, one for each in-game hand. Which incidentally brings us to our second point…