Sleeping Dogs was a bit of a revelation when it released last generation- the open world action game with its unique setting had had some trouble during its development cycle, but it still turned out to be a great game that contributed something truly unique to the genre.
It was so good, in fact, that many have still been holding out for a sequel, so that they can return to the unique flavor of atmosphere that the game provided, hopefully with all of the issues resolved this time around. Unfortunately, it seems that as of right now, the sequel is not a thing, although the developers have expressed enthusiasm in making one.
“Right now we are totally focused on making Triad Wars as awesome as it could be,” producer Justin Bullardsaid during a recent Reddit AMA. “But we would love to continue making games in the Sleeping Dogs universe.”
Of course, the folks on Reddit weren’t exactly satisfied with that answer, which, to be honest, is a bit of a copout, so he was asked directly if fans would ever see a true sequel to Sleeping Dogs. His response? Well… “Nothing to share on that right now, but we will take every opportunity to explore this universe.”
That makes it sound like nothing is in the works, not just yet, although at least he didn’t shut the possibility down entirely. Still, though, I was so confident that this was going to be an IP that Square Enix would leverage, that the sequel was in fact in development right now. It’s a bit of a bummer. At least we still have Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition coming up.