After a big reveal that had a lot of big talk, and a marketing phase that I couldn’t begin to understand properly, Stadia is finally here. The service functions surprisingly well for those with the internet capable of utilizing it, but it’s not looking too godawful great for the thing right now, as evident by the required app’s download numbers.
The Stadia app has been downloaded roughly 175,000 times as per PoketGamer. The app is currently required to activate your Stadia account, so it can give an idea of how many people are using the service. It’s worth noting that you can download the app even without having a Stadia device, so these numbers could be slightly inflated for those who are thinking of opting in in the future and downloading ahead of time.
It’s hard to say if that number is good or not without knowing Google’s internal goals for the service, but less than a quarter of a million seems like an awfully low amount. We’ve heard reports, too, that the service is on its way to be a flop. Only time will tell, but at the very least, Stadia probably could have used a few more months in the oven.