After kicking off Year 2 of Street Fighter 6 with M. Bison, Capcom has confirmed the addition of Terry Bogard from Fatal Fury for this Autumn. He’ll be available in World Tour, Battle Hub and Fighting Ground. Check out the first teaser trailer below to see what he looks like in-game.
As a mainstay of SNK’s fighting games, Terry has been in Fatal Fury, The King of Fighters and Garou: Mark of the Wolves. His moves combine styles like boxing, kickboxing and good ol’ street brawling for some hard-hitting techniques.
One of his signatures, Burn Knuckle, is seen in the teaser, along with his classic victory pose. Of course, the protagonist of World Tour is also seen in the crowd, confirming that Terry will become a Master (if his inclusion in the mode wasn’t enough).
Two more DLC characters are coming after Terry Bogard, including fellow Fatal Fury member Mai Shiranui and Elena from Street Fighter 3: New Generation. Stay tuned for more details on his moves and how the Drive Gauge factors in. You can check out our review for Street Fighter 6 here in the meantime and how it fares a year later.