Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Guide – Best Builds and Loadouts

What are some good builds for utterly decimating Brainiac's forces in Rocksteady's new looter shooter? Find out more here.

Posted By | On 08th, Feb. 2024

Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League_04

After considering the best Talents and ways to level up in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, you have to wonder: What are some of the best builds? Each character leans into a different weapon type – Deadshot with sniping, Boomerang with shotguns and so on – but they have at least two to three different builds. Remember to reroll Augments on gear accordingly to get the ideal stats for increased damage.

Best Build for King Shark

This build involves leaping into the fray and fighting up close with multiple enemies. Talents like Firearm Aptitude, Heaviest Weapon, Unyielding Hunger, Ferocious Jaws and Shark Rage are good for damage. Vicious Appetite provides a bit of sustain to harvest shields while Ocean Blessing ups Shield Harvest chance. Get Shark Recuperation to restore shields while jumping through the air, Flying Fish to gain Combo while airborne, and Ultimate Shark Strikes for some free Suicide Strikes.

The Lumerian Curse Mod causes all enemies hit by Atlantean Drop attack to be Shield Harvested (though you must hit more than three at a time). The Turtle’s Still Force Conduit allows for standing still and spraying with Heavy Weapons, thanks to its mounting damage reduction and damage. Just make sure to reposition now and again. Unflinching and Unstoppable are good shields since they allow for 100 percent more damage and 50 percent less damage taken if four or more Crazed enemies are within 20 meters of you.

Bizarro’s Undeath Ray is a decent shotgun and allows for Crazing enemies with critical hits (No Holds Barred is also a decent choice). Black Mask’s Bulletstorm is a good starting Heavy Weapon, but go with One Man Leaves after the Bane’s Wrath set starts dropping.

Best Build for Captain Boomerang

“Hit and run” is the name of the game for Boomerang, and you can either blast enemies with a shotgun or use Traversal Attacks for extensive clear. Party Supplies, Close Quarters, Hard Hide, Brilliance, High Tolerance and Bulletproof are necessary for survivability. Hater Aid, Shotgunner, High Gear and Admiral Boomerang bring the damage.

Suped-Up Combo helps retain Combo Stacks. Quick and Dirty can provide decent Critical Hit Chance for those who prefer sniping. If you’re building into the Traversal Attack, Circle of Life, Aftershock, Speedster’s Sew-up, and Speedster’s Ultimate Surprise are essential.

Bizarro’s Undeath Ray, Punch Through and No Holds Barred will see you through as far as shotguns go. The Bane’s Wrath set isn’t a bad option to build into – you can teleport in, Craze some enemies and then get out. Rinse and repeat for other groups. Pair this with Bane’s Fury for even more damage and a shorter cooldown on your Traversal Attack.

For other gear, go with Augments for increased shotgun damage, damage reduction, damage to Crazed enemies and Traversal Attack resource generation.

Best Build for Harley Quinn

Harley enjoys blowing things up and is pretty good at it. So why not build into the same? What Goes Up, Bigger Bang, Group Therapy, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Cherry Bomb, Big Swinger, Bottle Rocket, Grenade Parade and The Ballerina are the go-to Talents. Juggler’s Delight provides additional grenade damage and more Combo.

Self-Care, Tightrope Act, Performance Art, and Power Keg provide some sustain. Depending on your playstyle with the Bat-Drone, get On the Hop for damage reduction or Trapeze Artist for more damage.

Weapons-wise, the Death Rattle SMG is your go-to for close combat. Snap Shot is ideal against long-range enemies or helicopters that require precision shots. Three-piece Bane’s Rage is key, especially since you want to focus on grenade damage, and three-piece Bane’s Wrath provides more stacking damage.

Two Face’s Persuader drops live grenades or grenade ammo with melee attacks. The Demolisher grenade is best for maximum damage, and though you only carry one at a time, you should refill on grenades quickly.

Best Build for Deadshot

Black Mask’s Bulletstorm and Bizarro’s Undead Ray for long-range snipes, Reign of Bane to inflict Frenzy on targets, and the Bane’s Fury three-piece will get you going. Jinx’s Unlucky Coin for increased damage with specific Afflictions on a rotating basis and 250 percent damage to Afflicted enemies is also a decent choice.

Poison Ivy’s Infamy Set allows for even more damage to Afflicted enemies, with the two-piece bonus causing enemies to take 25 percent of their max health as damage when you hit them with a random Affliction.

For Talents, Hollow Point, Deadly Assassin, Sniper Rifle Specialist, Counterattack, Ultra Impact and Eye of the Sniper are the way to go. Skybound Shooter is good for staying in the air. Every Bullet Counts for stacking damage on bigger enemies until you miss is also decent.

Perfect Form and Power Through provide sustainability. Go with Active Heatsinks and Offset to reduce Jet Pack heat build-up rate, and Hot Shot for 25 percent more damage for 10 seconds when performing Kickstart.

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