Another solid remaster collection for Tomb Raider fans but it's not without its shortcomings.
Even if two of its titles are the franchise's worst, Tomb Raider 4-6 Remastered is another visually resplendent compilation from Aspyr.
Aspyr's compilation will be available for all platforms later today and delivers three more classic Tomb Raider remasters.
With Tomb Raider IV–VI Remastered, the hexalogy of the original Tomb Raider games is now complete.
Irritating gameplay issues aside, this is a decently fun nostalgia romp through Episode I's setting.
We got to chat with Aspyr's director of product, Chris Bashaar, about the studio's decision to bring Star Wars: Episode I: Jedi Power Battles to modern systems.
Aspyr's remaster of the 2000 title is coming to PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X/S and Nintendo Switch on January 23rd.
See how threats like the Mechanical Horseman, Brother Obscura, and many more look in Aspyr's upcoming remastered compilation.
On Xbox Series S, the remastered collection will run at 1440p and 60 FPS, as revealed by Matthew Ray, brand manager at Aspyr.
Matthew Ray, brand manager at Aspyr, speaks with GamingBolt about the next Tomb Raider remaster.
Aspyr's next remastered compilation features Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation, Tomb Raider: Chronicles, and Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness.
Some light upgrades to graphics and camera, but otherwise the same janky but fun Star Wars game from 2002.
The 2002 action-adventure title will retail for $19.99 and feature visual improvements and support for DualSense and Steam Deck.
Aspyr's remaster of the original three Tomb Raider titles offers solid visuals, but their frustrating issues are intact and tough to ignore.
The first three Tomb Raider games return, remastered with gorgeous new visuals and a new control scheme while retaining the same gameplay.
Aspyr has suggested that players resort to cheats for bypassing the cutscene that seems to be causing the unavoidable game crash.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed on the Switch is a port of the game's Wii version, and will be releasing on April 20th for $19.99.
The first person shooter might be releasing on Switch in the near future.
The exploration game is free now on the PC storefront.
Now you have no excuses to not play one more turn.