Backed by a solid protagonist and cast, Double Stallion's time-winding action platformer is a fun spin-off in the League of Legends universe.
The Digital Deluxe Edition retails for $39.99, while a physical Collector's Edition costs $169.99 and includes an Ekko Figurine.
Ekko meets a future version of himself who foretells disaster for Zaum. He thus embarks on a time-bending adventure to protect the city.
Double Stallion's 2D action side-scroller is out this Summer for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, PC and Nintendo Switch.
The action platformer, developed by Double Stallion, will be available on PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC.
The action platformer sees Ekko venturing through the city of Zaun, using his time-bending powers to defeat enemies.