Archive For LizardCube Tag

Streets of Rage 4 Welcomes Back Adam Hunter As A Playable Character

Streets of Rage 4 Welcomes Back Adam Hunter As A Playable Character

The beloved character will be playable in the upcoming sequel.

Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap Announced for iOS, Android

Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap Announced for iOS, Android

The action adventure platformer will arrive on May 30th for mobile devices.

Streets of Rage 4 Announced, Axel and Blaze Return

Streets of Rage 4 Announced, Axel and Blaze Return

The beat 'em up classic finally receives a sequel with animation from Lizardcube.

Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap Sold 100,000 Units on Nintendo Switch

Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap Sold 100,000 Units on Nintendo Switch

That's more than all other platforms combined according to DotEmu CEO.