Whether it's earning that complete ending or accessing a brand new route, these games ensured you were rewarded for doing everything.
Producer Yusoke Saito begs fans to buy it so they don't have to sell it out of a van.
A mini-soundtrack, theme and avatars will be there for early adopters.
New gameplay for the remaster emerges one month before release.
Here's what you should know about the upcoming NieR remake.
Not very demanding requirements for the upcoming remaster.
Something is teased for all titles in the JRPG franchise.
A rating in Taiwan could point to a release soon.
Yoko Taro is up to his tricks.
Yep, definitely looks like some NieR.
Original voice actors will return, however.
Let's go again, boys.
Includes a theatrical orchestra performance, stage play and "forced talk show."