Archive For PS4. Xbox One Tag

Epic Games “Committed To Do Whatever It Takes” To Make Crossplay Happen For Fortnite

Epic Games “Committed To Do Whatever It Takes” To Make Crossplay Happen For Fortnite

After accidentally enabling crossplay last time, the company will be trying consciously now to make crossplay possible.

Troll and I Launching on PS4, Xbox One, and PC In March 2017

Troll and I Launching on PS4, Xbox One, and PC In March 2017

The Legend of The Last Guardian.

Dark Souls 3 Plagued By Cheating Woes, Bandai Namco Swings the Banhammer

Dark Souls 3 Plagued By Cheating Woes, Bandai Namco Swings the Banhammer

Cheaters and completely innocent players alike have been softbanned.

Unravel Review – The Ties That Bind

Unravel Review – The Ties That Bind

A touching tail of worry, struggle, loss, but also hope, love and life.