Unlock a vital upgrade for BD-1 or find a nice furry companion for your ship.
Post-Order 66 survival isn't easy for a Jedi. Here are some collectibles and items that should help.
The Force is strong with this month’s additions.
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order looks and plays top notch.
If you think about it, this is really your fault, and not the game’s—from a certain point of view.
Another patch will be going live later this week for consoles.
Respawn’s latest is the best Star Wars game in more than a decade.
While down from Battlefront 2, it's a strong debut.
Trust in the Force...and these tips for surviving Respawn's latest.
Origin Access Premier subscribers also can't play the full game before launch.
You'll have to wait for those impressions.
Spoiler alert.
The Fall deluge continues with some of the biggest games out this month.
May the force be with this one.
EA's partnership with Valve begins with the release of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.
Get ready to travel to a galaxy far, fay away.
Stig Asmusses speaks about how his previous game has influenced his upcoming one.
Four games enter, how many leave?
The house of the mouse has its fingerprints on this one.
Every good Star Wars story needs a buddy droid.