Will it be premiering at this year's Gamescom?
It's not over yet!
Gareth Bale will be on the front cover of FIFA 14
In-depth character profiles released by IGN.
Jason Rubin says it will come down to the business model, exclusives and much more instead.
Tony Key discusses how it's currently too expensive to just "fire and forget".
Avalanche Studios reveals the first gameplay footage from their next open world adventure.
Bungie.net integration also confirmed.
Executive producer Mark Rubin talks about striking a balance between story and involvement.
Keeping sides even in multiplayer may result in a player limit increase.
'Everyone's reaction at the office after the flaming outcry the day after E3 was quite moot.'
'It is an integral part of the Xbox One experience'
Team is "psyched" by Far Cry 3's success
Both consoles look like they will have hit launches.
Information retrieved through ‘top-secret documents’.
A new Ace Combat game could well be on its way.
Yves Guillemot says next-generation won't be the last one for consoles
Is this a next generation game from Ninja Theory?
All about next generation consoles and lighting.
7 minutes of exploration gameplay and explanation