Yes, that includes Scorpio, too.
Looks surprisingly sleek for a dev kit.
High end PC game developers will be setting their memory requirements higher in the future due to Scorpio.
Which would be far more than the 1800p it runs at on PS4 Pro.
'It's going to be a great E3.'
“Every game should get access to the full capabilities of the hardware, whether the game was written two years ago for Xbox One, 10 years ago for 360, or is yet to be shipped. "
This is one impressive feat by Microsoft.
It will take a couple of years before Scorpio's capabilities are full maximized, says Brad Wardell.
The Scorpio and Windows 10 have some lessons for Sony to imbibe with the eventual PS5.
And how the success of Scorpio will have positive implications for DX12 performance in PC games.
Hopefully it is as well designed as the Xbox One S was.
Scorpio's Technical Lead Andrew Goossen on what make Scorpio's GPU standout from a PC GPU with the same amount of TFLOPs.
The Scorpio is not an an uber-powerful 4K/60/Ultra monster but it’s not so anaemic as to be incapable of 4K gaming.
Sadly, this is not the version we get!
Impressive. Most impressive.
"Gameplay mechanics are always going to be limited to what is available on the base level consoles."
'The "parity game" isn't something new.'
"If it sells more than one million units in Q4 2017 I think it will be doing extremely well."
4K/60 fps capture.
More successful platforms is good for the industry.