Archive For YEBIS 2 Tag

Yebis Engine Interview: Developing Physically Accurate Optical Post-Effects

Yebis Engine Interview: Developing Physically Accurate Optical Post-Effects

Lead architect of Yebis, Masaki Kawase on how Silicon Studios are taking the engine to the next level.

DirectX 12 Will Accelerate Yebis’ Performance, Xbox One Cloud Can Render Very Realistic Worlds

DirectX 12 Will Accelerate Yebis’ Performance, Xbox One Cloud Can Render Very Realistic Worlds

Silicon Studios' Masaki Kawase talks about the benefits of Microsoft's upcoming graphics API.

Final Fantasy 15: Yebis 2 “Only” Used in E3 Trailer, Further Usage Uncertain

Final Fantasy 15: Yebis 2 “Only” Used in E3 Trailer, Further Usage Uncertain

The post processing effects middleware engine hasn't been used for the full game it seems.

Yebis 2 Uses Xbox One eSRAM For Buffer, PS4 Unified Architecture Irrelevant Since Yebis Is GPU-Based

Yebis 2 Uses Xbox One eSRAM For Buffer, PS4 Unified Architecture Irrelevant Since Yebis Is GPU-Based

Yebis's Lead Architect Masaki Kawase talks about taking advantage of the latest consoles.

Final Fantasy 15 Uses Yebis 2 Engine for Real Time Computer and Optical Effects

Final Fantasy 15 Uses Yebis 2 Engine for Real Time Computer and Optical Effects

A listing for Agni's Philosophy could also hint at other effects used in FF15.