With the announcement of Tales of Arise receiving a demo on August 18th, several previews have gone live showcasing one of the earlier sections of the game. It offers a look at the combat and how Alphen and Shionne can work together. Check it out below courtesy of 4Gamer or watch English gameplay via Game Informer.
We also get a look at one of the boss fights, Lord Balseph, who wields a massive battle axe. Mechanics like Counter Edge are showcased, which sees Alphen dodging out of the way at the right time to trigger slow-motion and subsequently counter-attack. Near the end, Alphen and Shionne unleash a Boost Strike that allows for finishing off regular enemies but deals massive damage to bosses.
Fans will get a chance to try out the game when the demo goes live next week on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS4 and PS5. Tales of Arise launches in full on September 10th and is also coming to PC along with Xbox and PlayStation platforms. For more details the combat and various activities, check out our feature here.