While Team Ninja was once prominently known for their Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden series, the last few years have been dominated by their Action RPG hit, Nioh. The franchise consists of two titles now, both of which were acclaimed and sold well. Now, however, that series seems to be on ice for awhile with more announcements from the studio coming next year.
Speaking with 4Gamer about expectations for the next year, Team Ninja Studio Head and Nioh Director Fumihiko Yasuda stated that multiple announcements of new titles would be coming while also hoping that the recently announced remasters of the Nioh titles will be enjoyed by those who missed them in the last generation (thanks to Siliconera for transcribing and translating).
“In February, we will release Nioh 2 Remastered: Complete Edition and The Nioh Collection—[the latter] containing everything from the Nioh series—for the PlayStation 5. I hope this can be an opportunity for people who had and had not played them to see how Nioh plays like on a new generation console.
We are also preparing multiple announcements of new titles from Team Ninja in 2021, so please look forward to them!”
As of now there’s no real indication of what the studio is moving onto, but a new Dead or Alive seems to always pop up from time to time, and there’s always a possibility that Ninja Gaiden could see an attempted reveal of some kind (a remastered collection of the franchise recently leaked). They could also be doing a new IP. We’ll just have to wait until next year until we know for sure.
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