At this point, we know that, while The Elder Scrolls 6 will eventually exist, it’s not going to be out for years and years now. This means that by the time it is out, the PS4 NEO, the Xbox One Scorpio, and the Nintendo NX should all have been out for a couple of years. Now, at this point, it is a given that the game will come to PlayStation and Xbox, and that it shall therefore have to have NEO and Scorpio versions too- but should Bethesda look at bringing the game over to Nintendo’s NX too?
The NX sounds like an exciting machine- developers are openly excited for it, and at the very least, it sounds to be as powerful as a base Xbox One or PS4. Given that it is also launching with a very desirable and exciting looking game, it also seems set to do better out of the gate than the Wii U did– given all of this, should Bethesda look at bringing their game over to Nintendo’s machine this time around?
Bethesda have never put an Elder Scrolls or Fallout game on a Nintendo system before. They started out console development by targetting the original Xbox exclusively, before also expanding to PS3 alongside the Xbox 360 (but still prioritizing Xbox versions), and continuing that trend with the PS4 and Xbox One- would adding an NX version to the mix really hurt them?
It might even expand their already massive audience even more. Given that the NX will apparently be launching with Zelda: Breath of the Wild, there will definitely be an audience for that kind of a game on the system- and why should Bethesda not swoop in and capitalize on that market, at least as long as the NX is capable of running the game?