After announcing the vicious duo for The King of Fighters 15, SNK has confirmed that Mature and Vice will be available on December 12th. They’ll retail for $9.99 as a set – check out how they play in the latest trailer (which features some sweet revenge against Iori Yagami).
Introduced in The King of Fighters ’94, Mature specializes in slicing opponents with quick, claw-like strikes. Vice was introduced in The King of Fighters ’95 and possesses immense strength, focusing on throwing her opponents about. Both joined Iori’s team in The King of Fighters ’96 and subsequently met a tragic end, though they’re seemingly none the worse for wear.
Alongside Mature and Vice, SNK will release a balance patch containing adjustments for the existing roster. Whether they’ll be brought up to speed to compete with the duo remains to be seen, but it should shake up the meta.
The King of Fighters 15 is available for Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, and PC. Check out our review here.
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