e all know that Angry Birds is a massive phenomena over the world, and in Finland especially, it has become something of a cultural thing. You can find Angry Birds t-shirts, mugs and other merchandises, and it’s something that has now completely been ingrained into the culture.
Rovio senior VP of brand marketing Ville Heijari talked to [a]list about how the brand was received by people initially and a lot more.
“The characters are not interesting, sound design is boring, everything is average,” he said. Well we kind of still hear those sort of comments from people who haven’t been sucked into the hype, and even I am one of them. But I do appreciate and recognize how the brand has made the casual market attracted to gaming.
Hejari also mentioned what makes the product tick: “You have to have the goods to share. There has to be that magic X factor so whoever plays it gets hooked.”
You can read the full interview here. Tell us what you think in the comments section below.
Thanks, GI.biz.