The Worst Video Game Endings of 2021

Not every story can have the best ending but some games have seemingly gone out of their way to have the absolute worst.

Posted By | On 24th, Dec. 2021

Page 9 of 11


Despite its corny dialogue and hyper-edgy characters, Outriders did a good job leaning into all of that and being entertaining in a B-movie kind of way. Of course, you then learn that the signal you’ve been following is from an Earth ship that (somehow) managed to reach Enoch before the Flores, subjugate the main race (the Pax) thus causing them to evolve and go crazy, and eventually creating the Anomaly. The player character fights back though and manages to defeat the Pax while the Flores launches its resource-filled cargo pods.

Along with a late-game plot twist that’s just completely inane, it’s also annoying how the story ends in open-ended fashion with the protagonist still looking for a good place to colonize. Hopefully the expansion will offer some kind of conclusion because the base game just kind of leaves things hanging.

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