Recently, Electronic Arts confirmed that Respawn Entertainment’s critically acclaimed Titanfall will be getting a sequel sometime in the future and it will be arriving on multiple platforms. The original game was never released on PlayStation platforms but given the recent success of PS4 and EA’s strategy regarding multiplatform development, Titanfall 2 is more or less confirmed to arrive on Sony’s console.
But will Microsoft try to get some sort of an exclusivity delay with EA and Respawn Entertainment similar to what they did in the case of The Rise of the Tomb Raider? Wedbush Securities’ Michael Pachter certainly believes so.
“Respawn Entertainment made a game [Titanfall] in about four years with 75 guys. And Vince Zampella will have a new game on multiple platforms probably in three years. He’ll beef up the studio and he is really good at it. So I would expect, since Titanfall came out in March of ‘14, you’ll see Titanfall 2 probably by Holiday of ‘17, so I expect that they’ll announce it at next year’s E3, a year from now. But yes it will be a multiplatform game and yes, Microsoft will offer something for a timed exclusive,” Pachter said to GamingBolt.
“There’s so much time between now and Holiday of ‘17. Let’s see if Sony continues to advance, and continues to outpace Xbox One in sales, then no, I don’t think you’re ever going to see a title that’s Xbox One exclusive. If Sony keeps the lead, I mean, they’re roughly outselling the Xbox by 50% or more, then no. Nobody would. By then you’re talking about 65 or 80 million PS4s and 40 or 50 million Xbox Ones. Nobody’s going to give away the potential to sell 60 million more copies of a game.”
Pachter also believes that the game will only release on current generation of consoles i.e. PS4 and Xbox One. Stay tuned for our full interview Pachter in the coming days. What are your thoughts on Pachter’s statements regarding Titanfall 2? Let us know in the comments section below.