If the developers and publishers are to be believed, we still have a fair few years left in our current generation of consoles. Nothing lasts forever though, so it’s never too early to start thinking about what the future holds. The successor to the Xbox 360 (we’re going to refer to it as the rumoured name of the Xbox 720 for the sake of ease) will no doubt have some new features that will add to our favourite franchises. Here’s some of the games we really want to see make another appearance in the next generation.
Forza Motorsport
What’s there to say about Forza? It’s the premier racing franchise on Xbox, and its already impressive visuals are sure to shine through even more in the next generation. Depending on how the Kinect features of Forza 4 go down, we may also have more of those to look forward to on the Xbox 720. With all the resources Microsoft have pumped into the Kinect, we can only assume the Xbox 720 will further utilize the technology, resulting in Forza 5 having more Kinect functionality no doubt. It’s all more stuff for us to look forward to.
Gears of War
When Gears of War 3 launches in September, the current trilogy of games we’re enjoying will come to an end. That’s not likely to be the end of the entire franchise though, as Gears has always been one of the major exclusives for the Xbox 360. With more power under the helm, the Gears of War series will have a perfect home on the Xbox 720, regardless of whether it’s a new core title or just a spin-off.
The other important shooter of the Xbox brand, Halo is bound to go down a storm on next generation’s hardware. The Xbox 360 improved on the original Xbox’s online capabilities in almost every way, and the 720 is sure to continue this trend. With easier and more functional network access, the strong online elements of future Halo games will be sure to shine through.