inXile Entertainment’s Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut, the belated sequel to the 1988 cRPG classic that went on to serve as the inspiration for the Fallout franchise, will be coming to the Switch on September 13, the developer announced today. Wasteland 2 had already been confirmed for a Switch release before– now we know exactly when Switch players can go hands on with some cRPG action on the go.
Speaking about his excitement at the prospect of a Switch release for the game, Brian Fargo, who led development on Wasteland 2 (as well as the original), noted that the reaction to the game coming to Switch has been overwhelmingly positive.
“When I first showed a screenshot of Wasteland 2 running on the Nintendo Switch, it erupted into one of the largest social media reactions I have ever seen,” he said. “RPG fans are looking for new ways to experience old favourites, and Nintendo fans are looking for big, meaningful RPG experiences they can play anywhere they go. The game received a huge reaction last week at Gamescom, and it feels great to be this close to getting the game in fans’ hands.”
Indeed, having a portable cRPG has a certain allure to it, which makes the Switch version of this game exciting (it will be followed shortly afterwards by Obsidian’s Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire, which is also coming to Switch)- so I can understand the excitement, and indeed, feel it myself.
Wasteland 2 is available now on PS4, Xbox One, and PC, in case September 13 is too far away for you to wait for it.