Ok, I know a lot of you will actually disagree with me, but we at GamingBolt are huge Metal Gear Solid fans and just like any other MGS fan we too want a fifth game even though we would ideally want MGS4: Guns of the Patriots to be the last game in the saga.
Now what I am going to tell you is not a speculation but a presentation of hard facts which will almost prove that Kojima’s next game is indeed Metal Gear Solid: Rising and not actually PS3 Peace Walker or Metal Gear Solid 5 or for the matter of fact, a new game.
1. Talks about Metal Gear Solid 5
When MGS4 was released more than two years ago, Ryan Payton the then Assistant Producer at Kojima Productions revealed a few interesting things about the MGS franchise. He revealed in an interview with Kotaku, “It’ll be hard not being involved in MGS5, but I’ve got the utmost confidence that Hideo Kojima, Ken Imaizumi, and our amazing team will put together another blockbuster game. I’ll be cheering from the sidelines.”
Ok, that much confirmed the existence of Metal Gear Solid 5. But what platforms and what story arc the game will follow remained a mystery. Ryan Payton also shed some light to 1UP during MGS4’s release. MGS4 assistant producer Ryan Payton said there is “still a lot of room for filling in the gaps as far as Big Boss is concerned. There are some misunderstandings that this is the final Metal Gear game. But it’s really the final chapter of the Solid Snake story. That’s all.”
And that’s what happened in 2009. Hideo Kojima announced Peace Walker in 2009 for the PSP which had Big Boss a.k.a Naked Snake featured. Now a fact that many MGS fans don’t know is that Peace Walker actually had a chronological number. It was named Metal Gear Solid 5: Peace Walker. See the image below.
As far as Hideo Kojima was concerned he has confirmed on numerous occasions that Peace Walker is the true successor of MGS4, which gave everyone a big hint that Peace Walker is indeed the 5th although due to some reason the retail versions don’t have that number.