Will Fallout 4 Allow The Ability to Choose Your Own Starting Races?

This week we discuss the ability to chose your own race.

Posted By | On 06th, Apr. 2014

fallout 4

Bethesda has not yet confirmed Fallout 4 but according to several reports before, we do know that it is under development. Now, it’s not coming out any time soon – much less being revealed unless the publisher decides to – but there are endless choices for what could occur. For instance, how amazing would it be to choose your own race to begin with, especially with the twisted choices the universe offers?

You could have a choice between a Human (an all-round average race), Ghoul (weak but smart and resistant to radiation), Super Mutant (stupid but strong, resistant to radiation) or even a Death Claw (strong, crazy, other Death Claws don’t attack you and actually help you out). It could also be that you chance your class throughout by fulfilling different circumstances, such as grafting Death Claw parts to yourself or even exposing yourself to radiation.

For this to be possible, each of the respective story line needs to be different. For examples, humans can start out in a vault or Fawkes and Ghouls in the underworld. This will avoid inconsistency and will make it easier at a development level but regardless it will be a difficult feature to pull off for Bethesda. But given that Fallout 4 will most likely be a PS4, Xbox One and PC exclusive, it may be possible at a technical level, given the amount of the technical prowess the new consoles bring in.

What are your thoughts on the various races that you could choose to start with in the game? Let us know in the comments below as the wait for Fallout 4 continues.

This article is part of our weekly series on Bethesda’s next big entry into the world of Fallout. Through this series we take a look at the possible new features that Bethesda can add into Fallout 4, based on what they implemented in the previous entries and player feedback.

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