The Xbox One is available worldwide across 13 territories, and it has its issues. For instance, there’s a complaint about the some users not being able to access Party Chat while in a party.
A confirmed Xbox One developer addressed the problem on Reddit, stating that, “You might have a NAT issue” and referred him to the following. What if NAT is open? “In that case, it might be someone else in your party. I don’t remember specifically, but I read something about one person in the party having strict NAT prevents everyone from turning on chat. Either way, it sounds wrong to me. I do see this issue listed as one of the top we’re working on.”
He also spoke about a recent post in which a user unlocked developer settings. This is the method by which developers could convert their commercial Xbox One units into dev kits. However, as the dev stated, “Please don’t mess with anything here for the time being, especially the sandbox ID. You risk putting your box into a boot loop.”
When will it be available to the public? The dev remarked that, “I have no idea how far along the ID@Xbox program is. There are many concerns such as privacy, security, stability etc.., that need to be sorted out before we can allow anyone and everyone to simply sideload an app onto their box.”
So if you’re thinking about messing with the developer settings, be advised. As of now, we’ll be seeing games from the ID@Xbox program in 2014, but public access may be a ways off. Stay tuned for more details.