The last 48 hours have been quite hectic for Microsoft’s Xbox One reveal, especially the way that the next-gen console is handling the pre-owned games. Negative impressions and questionable actions of Microsoft have caused an uproar on the internet.
Microsoft has confirmed that games will be forced to be installed on the system’s hard drive, and if you wanted to install the same disc on your friends hard-drive the owner of the disc has to pay another fee for additional install.
Meanwhile, Microsoft corporate VP Phil Harrison spoke to CVG today confirming that Xbox One gamers who bough and activated a pre-owned retail copy of a game will be required to pay the same price as the original buyer in order to be able to play.
However, Larry Hryb now tells gamers to be patient for a clearer explanation regarding pre-owned games. “We are months away from the launch of Xbox One & policy decisions are still being finalized,” he said via twitter. “When they are, we will let you know.”
This whole dilemma is undoubtedly starting to get annoying for consumers around the world. It seems that Microsoft is back-pedaling due to the uproar of the internet and the confusion that the company has caused. I guess we have no choice but to wait.
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