Microsoft’s ID@Xbox indie policy for the Xbox One attracted a fair bit of acclaim for its improvement over the company’s previously draconian practices. However, it also attracted criticism when a parity clause was revealed wherein developers had to release the Xbox One version on the same day as other platforms.
Some developers who took issue to this, due to developing for the PS4 and signing timed exclusivity deals, were told they would be reviewed on a case-by-case basis but there were still issues. ID@Xbox’s Chris Charla has finally clarified the clause to GameSpot though.
“What we’ve always said is that developers should just come talk to us. If it’s a situation where a developer needs to ship serially on console because they don’t have the resources to simultaneously ship, we totally get that. It’s no problem.”
Microsoft may make a few extra demands for the Xbox One version though. “If it’s a case where a game is coming out significantly later on Xbox One than another console, in that case we just ask them to add something to the game that makes it fresh for Xbox players.”
Following the announcement of ID@Xbox heading to Windows 10, Charla also said that PC games wouldn’t have a parity clause. “Nothing stopping people making a game for Windows, it’s an open platform, but if they want help from us, we’re here.”
What are your thoughts on this? Another 180 by Microsoft or just a simple clarification of previously odd terms? Let us know in the comments.
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