Yakuza: Like a Dragon marks a bold new direction for the long running Sega series (and from the sounds of it, will mark the series direction for potentially a long time). It releases today in Japan and alongside it comes a lot of DLC for those who finish the lengthy game but still can’t get enough.
Sega detailed the DLC, and it’s pretty vast. The main highlights are two new jobs, one for male characters and one for females. The men get the Demon job, where they transform into a KISS like demon rocker who uses guitars, chainsaws and a bazooka for huge damage as well a health draining ability. Women get to be the Bosslady who uses a halberd and can deal massive amounts of damage who can also heal other party members. Along with those jobs come multiple costumes, music and employees for the Corporate Management mode (thanks to Gematsu for translations and break down of content).
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is available now in Japan alongside this DLC. As of now there’s no worldwide date, but the game is said to be coming this year to other territories.