Games have been trying to properly implement choice and consequence mechanics for ages, and it’s fair to say that we’ve seen our fair share of ups and downs on that front. More often than not, the illusion of choice is what we get instead of choices that have actual and meaningful consequences- but of course, every so often, we do get games where the decisions you make actually do end up mattering quite a lot- games where, whether because of one snap decision or a string of them, how the story ends can vary significantly. Here, we’re going to talk about a few such games.
By now, Supermassive Games almost has this formula down to a science. The developer has made multiple interactive horror adventure games by now, and its latest, The Quarry, once again delivers an experience where your actions throughout the story have a major impact on how things end for each and every character. All of them can die, or none of them can, and it’s all down to what you do. The knowledge that there will be actual consequences to your actions lends a great deal of weight to everything you do in the game.