Not every ending in every game is so cut and dry. Many games boast multiple endings, prompting you to take different actions in your playthroughs. Then again, some games can take this to a crazy extreme, doling out tons of endings to unlock. Regardless, let’s take a look at 15 of the best games with multiple endings.
Spoilers are in-bound, the most recent being for Nier: Automata so keep that in mind.
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Fallout: New Vegas
Even with tons of bugs, Fallout: New Vegas does offer flexibility in deciding the ending. Side with the New California Republic or Caesar’s Legion, leading either to conquer Hoover Dam, or go it alone, making New Vegas truly independent. That last ending can be achieved by convincing the NCR’s General Lee and Legion’s Legate Lanius to step down. Alternatively, you can kill them because why not?