Yakuza 0 shows us the story that delves deep into the origins of series protagonist Kazuma Kiryu, as well as other fixtures through his life such as Majima. The story proves to be surprisingly affecting and effective, as we learn why Kiryu became the man he would go on to be in later years- but while just how happy the rest of Kiryu’s life was can be debated till the end of time, the one thing that is clear is that Yakuza 0 itself, at least, gives him a happy ending. Yes, more turbulence and loss may be in his future, as it clearly is when you play future games in the franchise- but Yakuza 0 gives him, for a moment, some happiness and peace, at last. I hope you enjoy it, Kiryu-chan. You’ve earned it, you deserve it, and you won’t have it for too long.