Combat can be tough to nail in games, especially when trying to create a compelling system with nuanced mechanics. Martial arts titles are interesting in this respect, whether it’s in the recreation of well-known fighting styles or taking inspiration from the same. Of course, their aesthetic and appeal – from the sensation of getting stronger to the thrill of beating down an opponent – can’t be denied either. To that end, let’s take a look at 15 more martial arts titles that may be worth a look.
Shenmue 3
Much like its predecessors, Shenmue 3 has its fair share of imperfections. Nevertheless, its combat – which once again takes cues from Virtua Fighter – is still kind of fun, whether you’re carefully dodging attacks or using Skills to decimate foes. Perhaps the most enjoyable part is the training as you practice with wooden dummies, discover Skill Books and study under other martial artists. It’s like a proper arc where Ryo slowly but surely becomes stronger (not strong enough to beat Lan-Di but still).