15 Ways That Activision Can Make The Next Call of Duty More “Ambitious” And “Creative”

What Sledgehammer needs to take care of to make the next CoD a success.

Posted By | On 04th, Apr. 2014

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Call of Duty titles had always had me bright eyed and bushy tailed. The first four titles were a total knockout and I was a goner for them. But then, something happened. CoD seemed more like an interactive movie but I played it just to see it revive. And then Ghosts happened.

After establishing a solid franchise in the gaming world with its splendid backdrops and intense characters, Activision had had a cult following of its own. But they took their freedom to experiment too far. The latest experiment was Call of Duty: Ghosts and it is one of the most horrendous things that mankind has ever conceived. But as it is with humans these days, you either strive long enough to better yourself, or you give it to someone else.

To buy time for Treyarch and Infinity Ward, Activision has decided to hand the baton to Sledgehammer Games. The American video developers have shown some vehement enthusiasm for the new title and promised a game on another level by saying that Call of Duty 2014 is the “Most ambitious, Most creative game we’ve ever made.”. How so? We know not. But how they CAN make the make really live up to its predecessors’ reputation is by considering the following.

15. Improving the graphics

COD_Ghosts (3)

Now this is not a necessity at all. Neither am I big fan of always getting the best of visuals in every game. But you got to keep up with times. The Modern Warfare games had been using the uber old modified versions of the the IW engine based on the id Tech 3. Now that hasn’t been much of a sore point while playing the games. But not seeing anything in Ghosts was what irked me. It wouldn’t have, if the game were anywhere near as good as the 2nd Call of Duty.

What my point is, that it would do good to the Call of Duty series if they include better ambient occlusion, greater depth of field, focus on detailing and improve the MSAA and we’d be ever grateful if they could use a better graphics engine to suit the requirements for the same.

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