Halo developer 343 Industries is going through some significant changes. Bonnie Ross, head and founder and 343 Industries, has announced that she is leaving the company. Ross recently took to Twitter to make the announcement, saying that she is leading to attend to “a family medical issue.”
“I am incredibly proud of the work everyone at 343 Industries has done with Halo Infinite, the Master Chief Collection, the Halo television series, and so much more,” Ross wrote. “It has been an honor to serve alongside the team for the last 15 years and to be a part of a universe that I love.”
As per Windows Central’s reporting, Head of Production Pierre Hintze will be replacing Ross as the Head of 343 Industries with immediate effect.
343 Industries recently announced that its extending the ongoing Season 2 of Halo Infinite to a total 6-month period, with Season 3 now set to arrive in March of 2023. While the developer’s plans to implement split-screen co-op have been shelved, the popular Forge mode is set to launch in beta in the upcoming Winter update.
Reports earlier this year also suggested that 343 Industries is working on another unannounced Halo title. Read more on that through here.
— Bonnie Ross (@PlutonForEver) September 12, 2022