Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption might be Rockstar’s most recognizable and valuable properties, but a new Bully game is what a lot of people really want to see next from the studio. It’s been twelve years since Bully first came out, and demand for a sequel has been high for a long time, and though there’s not enough evidence to suggest that Bully 2 will definitely happen, it’s something that we continue to dream of regardless. So here, in this feature, we’re going to talk about fifteen things that we would like to see in an as-of-yet completely hypothetical Bully sequel.
If you have any ideas of your own, or don’t like any of the ones we talk about, make yourselves heard in the comments section below.
A large part of school life, even if that school is Bullworth Academy, is developing bonds, friendships, or rivalries with your fellow students, and we’d like to see that become an emphasized mechanic in Bully 2. The Persona games handle this quite well with their Social Links mechanics, and though expecting to see something exactly like that in a game like Bully might be a little strange, it’s definitely a framework that Rockstar could implement and tweak to make it work in Bully.