Since it came out earlier this year, Animal Crossing: New Horizons has had really good post-launch support, from events to new merchants to new activities like diving and swimming. Just recently, it received another new update, and while it didn’t add much of note – outside of dreaming and cloud backups – datamining has uncovered evidence of what might be new features inbound for the game in the near future.
Over on Twitter, Ninji has found references to file names that name several vegetables (Sugarcane, wheat, tomato, carrot, squash) that once again suggests that farming might be added to the game. Meanwhile, DIY crafting recipes for cooking and sewing are also referenced in the update’s files.
This isn’t the first time datamining has uncovered such evidence either, of course. A pretty significant datamine a few months back pointed to cooking and farming as upcoming activities as well, as well as a few other activities and features- most of which (such as swimming, Redd, Lief, and more) ended up coming to the game.
Of course, don’t take this as confirmation that these features are indeed coming. These could just be files left over from scrapped builds in the game’s code, and might not necessarily be indicative of upcoming content. That said, given the nature of the game’s post-launch support up until now, it’s quite possible that this stuff will indeed be added to the game at some point.
Either way, stay tuned, and we’ll let you know as soon as we learn more.
So, quick summary of hints about possible future things:
– New ‘35_Gyroid’ ItemKind
– New ‘VgtTomato’, ‘VgtWheat’, ‘VgtSugarCane’, ‘VgtPotato’, ‘VgtCarrot’, ‘VgtSquash’ map Fg items
– New bush type (Plumeria)They’ve also hidden some of the references to sewing and cooking DIYs
— Ninji (has moved) (@_Ninji) July 30, 2020